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Default Search Logic (AND / OR) broken since Version 1.28.75

  • Under Settings / Filter
    Default Search Logic
    This option tells the search engine whether all query words should contain in the found post (AND) or any of these words (OR).

    AND no longer works. It behaves the same as OR.

    This worked in version 1.28.75 and has been broken since. I now have the latest version 1.34.94 which has this issue.
    My Staging environment has 1.28.75 and my dev env. has 1.34.94 and my dev environment no longer searches correctly.
    I have the latest version of wordpress 5.5 on both Staging and Dev, and when I initially upgraded from 1.28.75 to 1.30.85 that is when I noticed the issue. I also did a full reindex as well.

    Switching between AND and OR had no effect
    I have some a bunch of resources and in the sandbox when I search for "Frog" it finds 22 resources when I search for "Frog Organs" it finds 37, clearly finding more is OR logic. It should have narrowed down to 1 resource found.

    Is this a known issue?

  • Hi Charles

    I've just tested 1.34.94 and really, I see the issue. Should be we lost something in the code. I will find the reason for the issue and fix it very soon.

  • @EpsilonAdmin Thanks appreciate it! Thought I was going crazy 😉

  • Hi Charles @clapierre

    We just released v1.35.96 which should have the AND/OR issue fixed. Could you check it?

    Thanks! ✋

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    Okay, the fix for Avada addon should be ready in a couple of days. Just FYI.


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    Hi @Bards

    Officially yes, 2.46.180 is the latest. However there is a pre-release version 2.49.208 that have a lot of fixes including fixed support for PHP8.1+

    I've sent you that version to the private chat, please install it to replace 2.46.180 and try with PHP8.1.

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    Hi @Nick

    Yes, the algorithm thinks the number of words here is more important than the exact phrase... Ideally, if we could justify the relative weight for the phrase matches. Currently, it's too low for your case, but I think if we can double it, this could solve the issue.

    I think to put this parameter to settings in the near future. Thanks!

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    We have over 1,000 pdf documents on our website, and the most important is our Journal, with 238 editions at present. As an example, a couple of issues of our Journal are here, but they are all similar in structure:
    You will see that at the bottom of the second page of Journal 100 is a table of contents for the issue and, if the pdf is saved and then opened in Acrobat Reader, there is an equivalent set of bookmarks. It would help if a search term appearing in the article title (as listed in the table of contents) was given a higher weighting than one in the text of the document, but quite often the term will only occur in the text, and not in the title at all.
    Ideally, we would like the weighting to be based upon articles, but weightings based upon the the whole Journal is acceptable. This is because the articles tend to be on unrelated topics within a Journal, so there is probably little difference between the number of instances of a specific search term within an article, and within its parent document.
    I think it would help me if you could explain, in non-technical terms, how the four weightings operate with WPFTS. I've looked at the TFIDF article on Wikipedia, and understand the basics, but the majority of the article is too technical for me. Perhaps this information could also be added to the WPFTS documentation?
    As a related issue, could WPFTS open the document listed in the search results at the first article page where the search term is found? I realise it might go to the article title instead, and if so that wouldn't really help much.

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We are a professional IT-team. Many of us have been working in a Web IT field for more than 10 years. Our advanced experience of software development has been employed in the creation of the WordPress FullText Search plugin. All solutions implemented into the plugin have been used for 5 or more years in over 60 different web-projects.

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