Thank you, this is actually the thing which I would like to recommend you to do.
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Inconsistency in search result
After upgrading to Wordpress v5.8.1 on our client website https://mc-monitoring.com (we are currently using WFTS v2.39.132), we have some trouble with the displayed search results. In fact, if we search with some keywords (for example lvs), the displayed results are inconsistent and some results are completely wrong. Is there anyway to not display this pages (with not found label) in the result page ? Did we missed some configuration ?
(Please see attachment file)
Thank you in advance.
Best regards. -
Hi, @Amine
The WPFTS Pro version you are using is very outdated. Please consider upgrading to 2.46.x which is the latest. It has a completely new indexing and searching algorithm and it should solve your issue.