If you're not seeing this issue, my guess is that your external files are stored under the same domain as your WP instance. Our download files are accessed from a different domain. Our site is fcm.org, and the download files are served from a bitwarden.com domain.
Causes garbled characters
Thank you very much. -
Another question is, in which php file is the code that recognizes the pdf text when NativePHP is applied? ?? -
Hi @enya
We are using ready library pdf-to-text by Christian Vigh. It's in the /classes/ folder of WPFTS plugin. -
Thank you very much. Let's take a look at the contents. -
I'm new to PHP so I'm sorry if I made a mistake. I think I'm converting the character code between lines 282 and 315 in PdfToText.class.php. How can I make the character code such as Shift-JIS convertible here? ??
I'm sorry if it's not the content to ask here. -
Hi @enya
Hmmm, sorry I am not an author of this library and unfortunately, I can't say which internal logic the author means here. The WPFTS Pro is just using it "as is". Actually, this way is just a fall-down method, because it's intended to use Textmill.io in most cases.
Is there a possibility of security problems using TextMill.io when uploading confidential data? ?? -
Hi @enya
We are preparing the official Privacy Policy document now, that will describe most part of Textmill.io functionality.
The main thing I would explain is this:
Textmill.io does not store any data. When any file is uploaded to the service for text extracting after the conversion and converted text responded to the caller (to WPFTS Pro instance) all data is removed.Nothing stored means nothing will be stolen etc.
Textmill.io also uses HTTPS and protected servers.
Yes, I would not recommend it for very important secret documents (military, government, etc). But I also think that these companies that manage such information do not use Wordpress at all and have enough money to create their own protected systems and CMSs.
Wordpress itself is not that protected and safe. Any small code stored in the 3rd-party plugin may share any information on the internet.
Thank you very much. I was relieved to know that it was strong in terms of security.
In which code part of fulltext-search.php is the character data extracted by PdfToText.class.php used? ?? -
Hi @enya
Half of the plugin is the indexer. It would be too long to explain how it works.
I think you need to see the code of /extractors/native.php
It's a wrapper for NativePHP extraction that uses the PdftoText library and then sending ready data to the indexer. -
Thank you very much for your kindness. I'll take a look.