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[Solved] Does not show Smart Excerpt with Total Theme
Another try by the Total Theme developers to make their own "excerpt" generator hardly replaces the integrated native WP's
method. This is a reason why we can't see Smart Excerpt output in search results when using Total Theme. (It matters for posts/pages and for search files by content too).How to fix that? Fortunately, the theme developers allowed us to redefine their generator with our own using hooks.
Please open your functions.php from the theme root and add this code to the beginning of the file.
add_filter('wpex_excerpt_output', function($output, $params) { ob_start(); the_excerpt(); return ob_get_clean(); }, 10, 2);
It should help definitely. If you're not familiar with PHP coding and don't want to modify the theme code, you can download and install this addon plugin (which does the same).