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How to implement FullTextSearch on a page?

  • Hi, Larry

    The Date and Author is not related to WPFTS, it's the theme author preferences - whether include Date and Author info to the post list. However, thanks to WP's hook system we can add this functionality with a simple code.

    I would recommend to place it into the child theme's functions.php, however you can put it into the main theme functions.php if you are not using child theme.

    add_action('astra_entry_content_before', function()
    	if (is_search()) {
    		// Modify search result posts
    		// Add date and author
    		$author = get_the_author();
    		$author_url = get_the_author_link();
    		echo '<span class="post-meta-infos"><time class="date-container minor-meta updated" itemprop="datePublished">'.the_date().'</time><span class="text-sep"> / </span><span class="blog-author minor-meta">by <span class="entry-author-link" itemprop="author"><span class="author"><span class="fn"><a href="'.htmlspecialchars($author_url).'" title="Posts by '.htmlspecialchars($author).'" rel="author">'.htmlspecialchars($author).'</a></span></span></span></span></span>';

    This code will add Date and Author info to search results.

  • @EpsilonAdmin Thank you!

    On the search results page, when clicking on the titles to open a document, is there a way to make that open in a new browser tab, rather than in the same tab?

    Thanks again.

  • Hi, Larry

    Yes, we can use Astra-specific hook to add target="_blank" attribute to the title's link.

    Also I made a hook that adds "Download" link below near to "score" value. Unfortunately it's hard to detect filesize at this point (since the file can be located on another server).

    Place this code right below the code that I posted above, in the functions.php:

    // Hook to force search result files to open in new tab
    add_filter('astra_the_post_title_before', function($before)
    	if (is_search()) {
    		// Modify the search result title
    		$before = preg_replace('/<a\s+href=/', '<a target="_blank" href=', $before);
    	return $before;
    // Hook to add "Download" link below the excerpt (near the "Score" value)
    add_filter('wpfts_se_output', function($a, $post)
    	if ($a && $post) {
    		if (isset($post['post_type']) && ($post['post_type'] == 'dlp_document')) {
    			// Add Download button
    			$shift = (strlen($a['score']) > 0) ? ' wpfts-shift' : '';
    			$link = '';
    			$post_id = $post['ID'];
    			$link_type = get_post_meta($post_id, '_dlp_document_link_type', true);
    			$file_size = get_post_meta($post_id, '_dlp_document_file_size', true);
    			$file_id = get_post_meta($post_id, '_dlp_attached_file_id', true);
    			$link_url = get_post_meta($post_id, '_dlp_direct_link_url', true);
    			$local_url = false;
    			if ($link_type === 'file') {
    				// The attachment post
    				if ($file_id > 0) {
    					$link = wp_get_attachment_url($file_id);
    			} elseif ($link_type === 'url') {
    				// The link
    				$link = $link_url;
    			} else {
    				// Unknown link_type
    			if (strlen($link) > 0) {
    				$a['link'] = '<a target="_blank" class="wpfts-download-link'.$shift.'" href="'.esc_url($link).'"><span>'.__('Download', 'fulltext-search').'</span></a>';
    	return $a;
    }, 10, 2);

    Hope this helps. Thanks you!

  • @EpsilonAdmin This works great except for one small error in the constructed download link. For example, here is the constructed link for one of the search results:


    The second occurrence of the "https//" is unnecessary.

    I tried to fix this, but php is not my strong point.


  • Okay, Larry,

    could you please show me how the links looks like when added to the Document Library Pro document edit window in WP Admin?
    I just checked on my side and I don't see this problem, so I think the difference is how we put links to documents.


  • @EpsilonAdmin Attached is a screen cap of one of the documents. The full link for this document is:

    If you go to my documents page here:

    [](link url)

    and search for the word "Sewer" (without the quotes), this document will be the first one in the search results. Note that the link for the title is correct, while the URL for the Download link is incorrect.


  • Okay, Larry,

    please could you go to the code we added last time and replace 6th line from the end:

    $a['link'] = '<a target="_blank" class="wpfts-download-link'.$shift.'" href="'.esc_url($link).'"><span>'.__('Download', 'fulltext-search').'</span></a>';

    by this one:

    $a['link'] = '<a target="_blank" class="wpfts-download-link'.$shift.'" href="'.htmlspecialchars($link).'"><span>'.__('Download', 'fulltext-search').'</span></a>';

    (actually only esc_url has been replaced by htmlspecialchars).

    I think this function breaks the URL somehow on your server (and it's VERY strange).

    Please let me know. Thanks!

  • @EpsilonAdmin I replaced esc_url with htmlspecialchars, but that didn't fix the issue. Very strange, indeed.

    You can see when you mouseover the Download link that the url is incorrect, right? But the link on the title is correct!

  • @sanfordandson Could there be something in the .htaccess file that is causing this?

  • I don't think so, it looks like a PHP problem.

    Which version of the Document Library Pro you are using?

  • @EpsilonAdmin 1.7.2 (current version)

  • @sanfordandson I know it's a cludge, but could you strip out all occurrences of "https//"? That would make the url correct.

  • Okay, Larry

    I am sure they made some tricks in the plugin to modify URL, but I can't say which tricks, since I only have version 1.1.2 at the moment.

    So let's go with the "patch" solution. Please replace the line

    $a['link'] = '<a target="_blank" class="wpfts-download-link'.$shift.'" href="'.htmlspecialchars($link).'"><span>'.__('Download', 'fulltext-search').'</span></a>';

    with this one

    $a['link'] = '<a target="_blank" class="wpfts-download-link'.$shift.'" href="'.htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('~^\/\/http~', 'http', $link)).'"><span>'.__('Download', 'fulltext-search').'</span></a>';

    It should work.

  • @EpsilonAdmin Wow, still didn't work. I even deleted the astra theme's functions.php file from the server, refreshed the browser (it blew up, as expected), then uploaded the modified functions.php file. I did all this to make sure there was no cache issue. Still doesn't work. Real bizarre.

    Would it help if I sent you login credentials and ftp credentials via email?

  • Hi, Larry

    This would be great, so I can check by myself.
    BTW I see a strange error in search results page.

    Unfortunately I gonna go right now and will be back in some hours to check WP admin. Please send me access to email.


  • @EpsilonAdmin Will do.

  • Hi, Larry

    The problem with the links has been fixed - just a typo in the code. The code in the messages above is correct.

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    @EpsilonAdmin Thanks for quick response and question.
    Yes, my hope was to use the standard WP search widget - but I haven't explored any other option. If there's a better way I'm happy to get guidance 😀

    My site has been recently re-created in WordPress after quite a few years of running under Joomla and that Joomla installation had a free plugin called jiFiles (?) which did the document scanning/indexing. A standard search, scoped on file name or a string from within file content, would pull up a list of file names each hyperlinked to the file itself to easily click on for in-browser viewing (or possibly downloading).

    I appreciate that there are other WordPress plugins that offer a full document management system but they have a much larger feature set than I need and are also majorly expensive for a small non-profit community web site.

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    Hi @pfb6736

    Yes, you can do this via CSS, either by adding a new rule to your Theme custom CSS block, or you can use WPFTS Settings / Search & Output / Display / Smart Excerpts CSS editor block.
    I hope it's .widget.widget-search rule, you can set 'width: 100%' to extend widget's width to all available room.

    The plugin is growing, but we have not yet a powerful system to make customized search widgets. What I can propose to you is (depending on your PHP/WP knowledge): there is a file /includes/widgets/wpfts_widget.class.php which is actually a native WP search widget with some changes for Live Search functionality.
    I would recommend you to copy this file to your child theme and create your own widget (by adding a select input to existing code). In case you think your knowledge of PHP is not that good, I can gladly help you, but you need to explain to me what exactly you need.

    Yes, it's possible via the small code addition. Do you want to show a path to the file instead of the file title? Or it should be an additional line in the search result item? Do you think showing a local path to the file is OKAY and maybe it's better to show Category instead?

    As I can see they are highlighted (bolded) but you can change this again in the Smart Excerpts CSS block. For example, this rule will make found words RED and YELLOW highlighted.

    .wpfts-result-item .wpfts-smart-excerpt b { /* Excerpt text */ color: red; background-color: #ff3; }


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    In the Divi 4.9.10 the respective line number to patch is 1913.

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    There is a simpler way for fix the Avada Theme search results issue in case you're using Avada Theme 7.0+.

    In this version the authors enabled to override the output of search results by the hook. So using the simple addon become possible.

    Just download it and install. And enjoy the Smart Excerpts 🙂

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