Great, thanks!
I don't see excerpt in Thrive Nouveau theme
I noticed that the Thrive Nouveau theme does not show post/page excerpts by default and, yes, it also does not show any preview of indexed and found file content.
The reason for this is very simple: the theme does not show excerpts at all, and it is inside its template. So is it possible to fix that?
Yes, what we actually should do is switch to the Thrive Nouveau Child theme (since we going to change theme files and we don't want these changes to be overwritten by the next theme update).
Right after the switching, find the file
which is inside thetemplate-parts
subfolder, and then copy it to the same subfolder of the Child theme.Then you have to open this file into your lovely text editor and add one line of the code after line 15:
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
So final file content should look like this:
<?php /** * The template part for displaying results in search pages. * * Learn more: * * @package thrive */ ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(array('entry-search')); ?>> <div class="entry-search-inner-wrap"> <?php the_title( sprintf( '<h1 class="h3 search-entry-title"><a href="%s" rel="bookmark">', esc_url( get_permalink() ) ), '</a></h1>' ); ?> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <!-- <<<=== We have just added this line! --> <?php thrive_posted_on(); ?> </div> </div><!-- #post-## -->
That's all. Just save the file and check - now you should to see native beautiful-looking WPFTS Pro's excerpt!
Hope this was useful.