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Blog post order changed by plugin

  • I recently edited some old blogpost. Edited the tags for future tag
    based pages. I noticed this changed the order of the blog post. My post are
    ordered by “revision date” instead of “publication date”

    Contacted my Theme support team and they said the following

    Great, can't figure out which one though, perhaps that "WP Fulltext
    Search Pro", disable that one see if it makes a difference? or even,
    disable them all, and then enable them one by one, see which one is
    doing that thing.

    So I followed their advise and disabling the "WP Fulltext Search Pro" plugin resolved the issue with the publication order.

    Theme used :

    I would like of course keep the "WP Fulltext Search Pro" plugin enabled, please advise

    Kind regards

    Current Version v2.46.180

  • Hi @Qville

    Actually, WPFTS plugin should only affect post order on search results. And it's okay, you can change the search results post order in the WPFTS settings.

    In case you meant post order on the main page / blog page (not search) please let me know if you need it to be "revision date" or "publication date" and where you can set it?

    Also I would ask you to copy of the paid theme you're using (you can put it to the private message or to please.


  • @EpsilonAdmin

    I want the (blog)post to be in order of the "publication date"
    I use a free theme :

    Thank you in advance for your assistance

    Kind regards

  • @Qville I have tried with the Pen theme, tried to activate and deactivate WPFTS Pro on my dev machine, but unfortunately I can not repeat the issue that you faced with. The posts on the main page are always ordered by "Publication Date (descending order)" does not matter whether WPFTS active or not.

    Could you please try once more to activate WPFTS and deactivate it on your website and see if there any differences? Could you make a screenshot or give me a link to your website?

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    Hi @stark

    Unfortunately, WPFTS does not work with PODS custom fields "from the box", so custom code exists somewhere. I think your developer used another way to add data to the search index.

    We need to ask him or alternatively, I could check your code myself, it should not be too long. In this case please send me admin access to your resource using a private message.


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    If you're not seeing this issue, my guess is that your external files are stored under the same domain as your WP instance. Our download files are accessed from a different domain. Our site is, and the download files are served from a domain.

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    Hi @jgregory_ca

    Okay, the fix for Avada addon should be ready in a couple of days. Just FYI.


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    Bugs and Fixes
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    This bug (definitely a bug!) was fixed in version 1.68.232
    We made "ident" field in the new wpftsi_irules table shorter (limited from 255 to 130) to avoid VARCHAR index length overflow.

    Thanks, @lostconcerts !

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    Hi, Vasiliki

    Thank you for the question!

    Yes, initially WPFTS Pro was only able to search within files that are included in WP Media Library. We are developing an addon currently which will enable search by any file or file directory.

    ETA of the test version is 25 Apr 2020.

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We are a professional IT-team. Many of us have been working in a Web IT field for more than 10 years. Our advanced experience of software development has been employed in the creation of the WordPress FullText Search plugin. All solutions implemented into the plugin have been used for 5 or more years in over 60 different web-projects.

We are looking forward to your comments, requests and suggestions in relation to the current plugin and future updates.


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