@epsilonadmin custom block.
Here is info how to create block - https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-5-8-introducing-acf-blocks-for-gutenberg/
So we register new block, assigned fields for this block.
We add block on page. When I try to search phrase from one of these field - page not added to search result
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installed but results doesn't seems to be ok.
I've installed the plugin with an evaluation key. I've got 5 day left to test.
Indexing is ok but when i use my front search the result skip the .pdf indexed.
Here's my search form :<form method="get" class="cmt-site-searchform" action="https://v2.cresitt.com"> <div class="w-search-form-h"> <div class="w-search-form-row"> <div class="w-search-input"> <input type="search" class="field searchform-s" name="s" placeholder="Rechercher..."> <button type="submit"><span class="cmt-duplexo-icon-search"></span></button> </div> </div> </div> </form> Do i need anything else ?
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Please could you follow this small guide? If it does not help, write to me here again. I will need to know the theme you're using and, possibly, the URL of your website to make some checks.