Hi Andrew
Please could you send me your search.php file to the epsiloncool@gmail.com or attach it here. Should be Divi has changed the structure of the file and we need another patch now.
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[Solved] Solution for incompatibility with Newsphere theme
File: /wp-content/themes/newsphere/inc/hooks/blocks/block-archive-list.php
Change Line: 48
$excerpt = newsphere_get_excerpt($excerpt_length, get_the_content());
$excerpt = the_excerpt();
MLG4035 -
I noticed that excerpts still show bare shortcodes. You can add the following code to the Newsphere theme's functions.php file to strip shortcodes from excerpts.
// Remove Shortcodes from excerpt function newsphere_remove_shortcode_from_excerpt($content) { $content = strip_shortcodes( $content ); return $content; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'newsphere_remove_shortcode_from_excerpt');
@mlg4035 Thank you very much!