wpfts_irules_call/ (Action)

The wpfts_irules_call/<call> hook in WP Fast Total Search provides a powerful mechanism for extending indexing functionality by adding custom data processing logic before data is added to the index. <call> in the hook name is an identifier (string) that defines a specific call within the indexing rules. This hook is called within the getPostChunks() method of the WPFTS_Core class when applying indexing rules.

When to Use

  • When standard WPFTS filters are insufficient for data processing.
  • For performing complex data processing logic before indexing.
  • For integration with other plugins or services.
  • For adding data to the index from non-standard sources.


  • $chunks (array): An array of data prepared for indexing. This array can be modified within the handler function.
  • $post (object): A WP_Post object representing the post being indexed.
  • $props (array): An array of properties defined in the indexing rule for this call. This allows passing additional parameters to the handler function.
  • $rule (array): An array containing all the data of the indexing rule.

Return Value

  • $chunks (array): The modified array of data for indexing. The handler function must return the $chunks array.


 * Adds the last modified date of the post to the index.
add_filter('wpfts_irules_call/get_last_modified_date', 'my_get_last_modified_date_handler', 10, 4);
function my_get_last_modified_date_handler($chunks, $post, $props, $rule) {
	$chunks['last_modified'] = $post->post_modified;
	return $chunks;
// Example indexing rule using this call:
$my_rule = array(
	'filter' => array( 'post_type' => 'post' ),
	// The rule applies only to posts.
	'actions' => array(
			'call' => 'get_last_modified_date',
		// ... other actions ...
	// ... other rule parameters ...
add_filter('wpfts_irules_before', 'add_my_rule');
function add_my_rule($rules) {
	global $my_rule;
	$rules[] = $my_rule;
	return $rules;

Important Notes

  • The identifier must be unique to avoid conflicts with other extensions.
  • Properties passed in $props must be defined in the indexing rule.
  • This hook provides great flexibility but requires understanding of WPFTS indexing rules.

The wpfts_irules_call/<call> hook allows developers to extend WPFTS indexing functionality and add their own data processing logic.