cron_schedules Hook in WPFTS

The cron_schedules hook is a standard WordPress hook that allows adding custom intervals for scheduled tasks. WPFTS uses this hook to add two new intervals: wpfts_each_minute (every minute) and wpfts_each_hour (every hour).

What WPFTS does when cron_schedules is called:

  1. Adding the wpfts_each_minute interval: The plugin adds a new wpfts_each_minute interval with a 60-second (1-minute) execution interval.

  2. Adding the wpfts_each_hour interval: The plugin adds a new wpfts_each_hour interval with a 3600-second (1-hour) execution interval.

Important functions involved in processing cron_schedules:

  • No specific WPFTS functions are used; the standard WordPress mechanism for adding cron schedules is employed.

How to use this in addon development:

Addon developers can use these new intervals for their scheduled tasks. For example, you can use the wpfts_each_minute interval for frequent data updates in an index, or the wpfts_each_hour interval for less frequent tasks such as cache clearing or sending notifications.

Example (using the wpfts_each_minute interval in an addon):

// Register a new cron task.
if (!wp_next_scheduled('my_addon_cron_task')) {
  wp_schedule_event(time(), 'wpfts_each_minute', 'my_addon_cron_task');
// Task handler.
add_action('my_addon_cron_task', 'my_addon_cron_function');
function my_addon_cron_function() {
  // Code that will be executed every minute.

Additional notes:

  • New cron intervals are added only when the WPFTS plugin is activated.

  • To disable tasks scheduled using the new intervals, use the wp_clear_scheduled_hook() function.

This hook demonstrates how WPFTS adds new cron intervals that can be used by the plugin itself and by addon developers.