@epsilonadmin custom block.
Here is info how to create block - https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-5-8-introducing-acf-blocks-for-gutenberg/
So we register new block, assigned fields for this block.
We add block on page. When I try to search phrase from one of these field - page not added to search result
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RE: Custom Gutenberg block with ACF missed from search results
Custom Gutenberg block with ACF missed from search results
Hi guys,
We have a lot of custom Gutenberg blocks created with ACF plugin.
When I try to search for content from this fields - this page not appear in search result. Does it mean that I should add each field from custom blocks to index as we did it for CPT?
If so - do you have code for this that will not go through each field and will be a little automatically? -
RE: Filter and sort result list
@epsilonadmin I planned pre_get_posts. How to filter to show only pdf or only web pages?
Filter and sort result list
Do we have ability to sort and filter search result? For example, filter result by pages / pdf / doc / etc? Sort by relevance or date?
Maybe you have values that I can use to rewrite a query?